Jun 9, 2020 | News, Walmart Jones News
LAWSUIT: WALMART DESERVES SOME BLAME FOR DEADLY CRIME SPREE IN SOUTH VALLEY June 03, 2020: “His law firm represents the Soto family in the new lawsuit against Walmart and the Jones family in a previous one. Wagner says Walmart failed to follow state law...
Feb 11, 2020 | News, Walmart Jones News
Brother of Farmersville murder victim will be special guest at State of the Union address Feb. 04, 2020: “The brother of a Farmersville man who was shot and killed at a Visalia AM/PM in 2018 will join President Donald Trump as a special guest to the State of the...
Feb 11, 2020 | News, Walmart Jones News
Family of murdered Tulare County man files lawsuit against Walmart Feb. 05, 2020: “A valley family has announced plans to take on Walmart, saying the retail giant played a role in its brother’s killing. President Trump talked on Tuesday night about their...
Feb 11, 2020 | News, Walmart Jones News
Jody Jones: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know Feb. 2020: “While President Donald Trump addresses the country with his third State of the Union speech on Tuesday, as per custom, he and First Lady Melania Trump will have a series of honored guests sitting in the...
Feb 11, 2020 | News, Walmart Jones News
Brother of slain Farmersville man to join President Trump at State of the Union Feb. 04, 2020: “Jody is the brother of Rocky Jones who was shot to death in a Visalia AM/PM parking lot in December 2018. The shooter, Gustavo Garcia, was an unauthorized immigrant...